Kappa_Basin_Flooded (18×10)


 – peperating

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1v1 2v2 3v3 6p+
+ +++ - --- -- - + --
Covered ports
Ships and submarines can be produced without fear of hostiles because such safe havens as the local bays you won’t easily find anywhere. The island can also hold a few long range coastal guns and enemy ships has no chance.
Bot Veh
The land fight remains only in the mountains and there are robots applied usually. But only for a moment. Later there occur such slaughter, that the North remains essentially blocked.
Hover Ship
Since boats can be quite easily kept far away form bay with coastal guns, small hovers can be used in quantities for boning enemy base. But it’s a lot harder than I wrote it here on the web :).
Highly mobile army
Advanced airdrops of heavy equipment, small robots for taking attention of enemy, lurking of defensive cannons. Only by this way you can go through the northern route.
Combo hovercrafts + warcruisers
The classic naval conquest, just there will be much harder. Hovercraft deceive coastal defense, light ships cover heavy ships, that destroy the most important objects. In the bay, however, can conceal everything – a herd of small submarines, hovercraft counterattack, aircrafts or set-off heavy guns. So scout before attack.
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