First (not only multiplayer) game

Here is small list of good hints for new NOTA players.

In Nota :: Lobby

My dear newbie, play for CORE. CORE guys have more multipurpose and stronger units, no special skills needed.

Before you click on “Ready” button

Choosing the start position – placing the base
You select position by left click of the mouse. The green circle is buildrange of your base. There are many ways how to choose good start spot – here is the list of the most important factors (sorted – the most important on the top):
  • Press F4 to see metal spots. Try to have the most metal spots around you (count each ground metal spot as two water ones).
  • Try to have access to strategic places – for example on hill + on plain, in sea + on isle, on two isles at the same time,…
  • In big team games put you tower into deep hole, behind the big mountain, not in sea (if big sea map) to prevent some enemy from using long range weapons or subs (in case of sea) to kill your tower
  • Dont be at same spot with your ally, but sometimes i can be strategic to have some penetration of your buildcirles (for assisting for example first shipyard).
  • If playing East vs West or North vs South and map have no special good places in starting sector (box), try to be closer to center of sector, not in the corner of the map.

Game started

First buildings
There are few basic rules – dont loose metal and time and try to get first army ASAP. Those rules go against each other, yes, we now. The right start buildqueue is the key to keep all these rules and to dont loose the game very soon. Here is one start buildqueue (16 buildings, for CORE only):
Metal Extractor - Extracts Metal Metal Extractor - Extracts Metal Metal Extractor - Extracts Metal Solar Collector - Produces Energy Solar Collector - Produces Energy Metal Extractor - Extracts Metal Metal Extractor - Extracts Metal Solar Collector - Produces Energy Kbot Lab - Produces Kbots Solar Collector - Produces Energy Solar Collector - Produces Energy Solar Collector - Produces Energy Radar Tower - Radar Tower Metal Extractor - Extracts Metal Metal Extractor - Extracts Metal Solar Collector - Produces Energy
Every solar in this buildqueue can be altered by one tidal powergenerator or by 1-2 windgenerators (if tidal or wind is strong enough on given planet = map).
Solar Collector - Produces Energy -> Wind Generator - Produces Energy Wind Generator - Produces Energy
Solar Collector - Produces Energy -> Tidal Generator - Produces Energy
Remeber: solars are the most metal-cost expensive BUT they have the lowest buildtime and they produce reliable source of energy. So for the start they are optimal.
Bots VS Vehicles

  • Cost/Firepower 1.5x/2x more effective
  • Great autorepair. When not fighting for a minute, they are repaired as new
  • Can get on hilly places
  • Can be transported in air-bus


  • Most of the bots have weak armor
  • Weaker guns then vehicles in 1v1 comparation
  • Slower then vehicles
  • Bot constructor is more expensive then vehicle variant


  • Good speed
  • Great front armor, lowering the dmg by tens of procents
  • Stronger guns then bots in 1v1 comparation
  • More HitPoints (HP)
  • Can move reverse
  • Cheaper and faster constructor


  • Price and buildtime of some units = less units then enemy making bots for the same metal/time price
  • Weak rear, top and side armor = weak from behind and weak vs antiground planes
  • No or weak autorepair
  • Cannot rule the hilly maps, cannot reach slope places
Army VS Defensive Guns
I can write many words about it (why newbies shouldn’t make defences), but for simplicity i suggest: NEVER BUILDE DEFENSIVE GUNS IN MULTIPLAYER GAME, MAKE ARMY!
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Look in FAQ section or ask/suggest here below the article

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