
Q: Do I need any cool enhancements (widgets)?
A: In our gamepack there are the best. So you dont need to dowload anything else.
This is true only for Windows players – Linux and OSX guys cannot use our gamepack, so they have to read more below.
Q: Where I find all cool enhancements?
There you find most of the downloadable content used with spring engine – this means other mods (games), a lot of maps, developers tools. We are kind, so links for other games are here, too, but we know, you will love NOTA.
Q: With what shall I start?
A: With good client.
You can choose from three candidates. For this mod we are developing own client called NotaLobby. A good alternative is TASClient, worse alternative is basic SpringLobby. All three clients are part of a package that we share in the Download section.


Here will be list of widgets that are suggested for playing NOTA. Most of them are part of the pack mentioned above. Old list, only in czech here

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