
Features the game offeres
Different gameplay mods
PvP = game mode Player(s) versus Players(s) – classic multiplayer, where each player commands one army and his task is kill all enemy players/teams
  • default mode (you dont need to change any setting)
PvP KOTH = King of the hill mode – Each player commands one army and his task is control neutral territory for specified time or kill all enemy players
  • !set startoptions=koth
  • you need one startbox more then number of playing teams (!addbox 43 43 15 15 3 – if you playing 2 teams KOTH)
Skirmish = classic game against AI, N.O.E. AI.
  • add one or more N.O.E. AI bots
MISSION: TTD = (Transportable Tower Defence) you defend hill alone (or with 1-8 friends) against hordes of robots. Only you have for defence is airtransport and many transportable towers. When fusion generator is killed or when all enemy waves depleted, the game ends.
  • add one Mission AI bot
  • !setoptions mission_name=ttd
  • all players have to be in the same team and different team than Mission AI
  • be sure you have map Throne v1 (!map Throne v1)
  • more info about TTD
SP, COOP vs Spacebugs = you play alone or with a team of players against bloody insect enemy – the Spacebugs. Your task is to survive for specified time (usually for 40 minutes) and kill Spacebugs Queen.
  • add one or more Spacebugs AI bots (1 “Hard Bug AI” is enough for the most of the players)
Image: Narrated
Realistic warfare
Unit rescaling – ships are much bigger, stronger and more expensie than all other units
Front panzer for tanks => tanks are great for crushing the front line or for flanking
Fuel for planes – its harder to get airsupremacy, becouse you need air logistics
Advanced command features – user interface helps the player to do complicated decisions easily (formations making, unit move management, queue making, idle units selection).
Many other features you can find in NOTA guide
Hundreds of different units, houndreds of weapons
Each have unique tactic use – raiding, flanking, making traps, minefields, mass air transport
Tactic arsenal – cloak, teleport, napalm, EMP, nuke, pop-up weapons
Advanced GUI and SUI
… images, examples, taunts

2 Responses to Gameplay

  1. danil_killer says:

    Need more pictures, I don’t want to read all of these words

  2. Pepe Ampere says:

    Yep, good idea. We need to enslave some person for it.

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